Lancaster Housing Authority

Our team is here to help residents of Lancaster who are elderly or individuals with disabilities within our community gain safe and secure housing in the property we manage.

Reasonable Accommodations

The Lancaster Housing Authority does not discriminate against anyone that has a mental or physical disability. We have an obligation to offer and provide reasonable accommodations and modifications to applicants and residents based on their disability. Accommodations can include policies, or services that the Lancaster Housing Authority has in place. Modifications may include alterations to facilities to provide better access to those with disabilities as long as those modifications do not create financial hardship for the Housing Authority.

Regardless of any accommodations or modifications issued to a tenant, basic requirements still exist for housing. Those include the ability to pay rent, take care of rented property as well as report all required information to the Lancaster Housing Authority when needed.

If you require reasonable accommodations or modifications to your housing, please speak with a representative of the Lancaster Housing Authority to discuss next steps and the application process.

Questions? Give us a call!

accommodations for disabled man in wheelchair


Bigelow Gardens
449 Main Street
PO Box 507
S. Lancaster, MA 01561





Champ Help Line:



Monday - Thursday
8:00am - 12:00pm


Schedule may change due to Lancaster Housing Authority Official Business, (meetings, trainings, conferences, etc.), and vacations and Holidays.

LHA assists families, single people, and people with disabilities. The Housing Authority does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, color, familial status, mental or physical disability.